فارسی عربي

Traditions, customs you will only see in Iran – Part 2

Following is a presentation of cultural customs only Iranians will understand and you will find only in Iran.

To truly understand a country’s culture and people, it is imperative to have a basic understanding of their customs and traditions.

In Iran, there are plenty of customs that are as routine as drinking water for Iranians but they can leave a foreign traveler with a raised eyebrow. 

Read on to discover the cultural customs only Iranians will understand and you will find only in Iran.  

2) Charitable deeds (Kheirat)  

Kheirat or charity is a way to send good vibes to the Other World. Iranians believe that the dead cannot do anything to make their lives better in the Other World. The best thing for a dead person is to be remembered by the living.

So, when someone dies, on different occasions, his/her family members or friends or anyone who knew them might give out food, drinks, or confectionary. In this way, the dead person knows he/she is remembered and feels happy and relieved.

If you walk down the streets in Iran, you might notice a random open box of sweets/dates/chocolates in front of a store. Iranians put these out for the public in honor of their loved ones who have passed away.

This usually happens on Thursday evenings (known as Shab-E Jomeh in Persian) because that is a particular time to pray for the deceased or to visit them at the cemetery.  

If you take one, you say a prayer for the deceased person. Of course, no one will know if you did or not and you will not know exactly who you’re praying for. However, that is the idea behind it that matters.

Kheirat is not limited to food. Many decide to do something bigger so that the goodness of the deed reaches the dead person in the Other World. So, it could range from offering free services (a ride, teaching something to people, fixing their stuff, etc) to building places (housing for the poor, schools, hospitals, etc).

Also read:

Part 1 – Soor Dadan or offering pastries

